Skin Deep (2020) Abaca paper, waxed linen thread and acrylic paint
My work expresses emotional histories of my life, particularly the loss I have experienced and the control I once believed I had over situations. Echo Cambers is a meditation on my family members. The garments they once wore were wrapped in hand spun wet paper twine, knotted and tied to hold the shape of each article of clothing. As I worked I would recall specific memories that pertained to each person and what they wore. Once dry the garment was then removed, leaving behind empty vessels of memories.
As a way to honor my ever changing body on the 60th anniversary of my birth, Skin Deep represents the evolution of my aging body. Flow is rooted in experimentation which later revealed a connection to the loss of my mother in January, 2019. The earliest pandemic work, Imperfection is the genesis of a body of intimate sculptures in muslin and paper.
All Images: Jerry Mathiason
Echo Chambers 76x60x9 Over-beaten abaca paper
Echo Chambers (detail) 13x6x5
Echo Chambers (detail) 7"x5"x3.5" Over-beaten abaca paper
Skin Deep 39x26x11 Over-beaten abaca paper, acrylic paint, waxed linen
Skin Deep detail
Flow (2020) 82"x76"x9" Over-beaten abaca paper
Flow detail
Flow Bluegreen 26x7x60 Over-beaten abaca paper, acrylic dyes
Flow Bluegreen detail